Results for 'Angiolo Maros Dell' Oro'

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  1. Protologia Preludio al sapere.Angiolo Maros Dell' Oro - 1938 - Philosophical Review 47:557.
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  2. Note sulla realtà matematica nei Presocratici.Angiolo Maros Dell' Oro - 1972 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 27 (1):3.
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    Dall'esperienza alla metafisica.Angiolo Maros Dell'Oro - 1941 - Padova: CEDAM.
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    Nel mondo della verità.Angiolo Maros Dell'Oro - 1970 - Padova,: CEDAM.
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  5. Ai limiti della scienza.Angiolo Maros Dell'oro - 1948 - Padova,: Editoria liviana.
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  6. Filosofia.Maros dellʹOro & Angiolo[From Old Catalog] - 1953 - Firenze,: F. Le Monnier.
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  7. I grandi pensatori dell'India.Maros Dell'oro & Angiolo[From Old Catalog] - 1950 - Milano,: Cavallotti.
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  8. L'esistenzialismo, filosofia alla moda.Angiolo Maros Dell'oro - 1948 - Milano,: Cavallotti.
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    Dell'Oro Angiolo Maros. Per discutere sulla logica. Sophia, vol. 6 , pp. 565–571.William Barrett - 1940 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 5 (1):38-38.
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    Theological discourse and the postmodern condition: The case of bioethics.Roberto Dell'Oro - 2002 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 5 (2):127-136.
    Bioethic reflects — like many other disciplines — the cultural fragmentation and the complexity of what has come to be known as the postmodern condition. The case of bioethics is particularly acute because of its epistemological indeterminacy and the moral pluralism characterizing post liberal societies. A provisional solution to this situation is the retrieval of a neo-Kantian version of ethical formalism in which concern for a consensus on rules replaces universal dialogue on moral content. The article analyzes the possible consequences (...)
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  11. Recasting fundamental moral theology Notes on Klaus Demmer's christological anthropology.Roberto Dell'Oro - 2012 - Gregorianum 93 (3):463-483.
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    History of bioethics: international perspectives.Roberto Dell'Oro & Corrado Viafora (eds.) - 1996 - San Francisco, Calif.: International Scholars Publications.
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    ¿Por qué la ética clínica? La experiencia, el discernimiento y la anamnesis del significado al lado del paciente.Roberto Dell’Oro - 2016 - Persona y Bioética 20 (1):86-98.
    The article asks about the function of clinical ethics. It does so by confronting the assumption that ethics is supposed to help in the solution of concrete problems, relying upon a defined set of principles and rules. The scientific character of such an approach to clinical ethics complements the very understanding of modern medicine as being increasingly scientific and technical; that is, as oriented toward the production of effects. The paper claims that, rather tan sharing in the “suspension of meaning” (...)
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    Dell'Oro, Don F., La Semplificazione delle Rubriche. [REVIEW]J. Meagher - 1962 - Augustinianum 2 (2):437-437.
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    Il codice delle Enarrationes in Psalmos miniato da Michelino da Besozzo.Anna Delle Foglie - 2023 - Augustinianum 63 (2):479-506.
    This article studies an illuminated manuscript of St. Augustine’s Enarrationes in Psalmos: Vat. lat. 451 (Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana). The manuscript was commissioned by the bishop Giovanni Capogallo, when he was in Lombardy in close contact with the court of the duke Gian Galeazzo Visconti. The article examines the cultural milieu of Pavia in the early 15th century, highlighting the role of the Order of the Hermits of Saint Augustine in the monastery of San Pietro in Ciel d’Oro. (...)
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  16. Non serve all'uomo la potenza dell'oro per vivere meglio.Aldo Bruschi - 1963 - Milano,: Gastaldi.
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    Health and Human Flourishing: Religion, Medicine, and Moral Anthropology, edited by Carol R. Taylor, C.S.F.N., and Roberto Dell’Oro. [REVIEW]Michelle A. Clifton-Soderstrom - 2007 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 7 (2):426-427.
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    des las artes y las ciencias en la Edad Media y el Siglo de Oro, trad. spagnola di Beatriz Galán Echevarría, Madrid, Iberoamericana, 2002, pp. 130. Questo volume costituisce la traduzione (ampliata) dell'originaria. [REVIEW]Helmut C. Jacobs - 2004 - Rivista di Filosofia 95 (1).
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    Arthur Danto, Andy Warhol e la natura dell’arte.Dirk Koppelberg - 2007 - Rivista di Estetica 35 (35):241-257.
    Think Rich. Look Poor.Andy Warhol 1 Quadro introduttivo: la vita e l’opera di Danto Arthur C. Danto inizia la sua biografia intellettuale My Life as a Philosopher, a tutt’oggi inedita, con l’affermazione: «ho avuto l’immensa fortuna di crescere nel mezzo di due epoche d’oro — quella della filosofia e quella dell’arte». Sarà questa costellazione [Konstellation; N. d. T.] a modellare i suoi interessi, il suo sviluppo filosofico e in particolare la sua filosofia dell’arte che è stata influenzata...
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    The origins and evolution of bioethics: Some personal reflections.Edmund D. Pellegrino - 1999 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 9 (1):73-88.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Origins and Evolution of Bioethics: Some Personal ReflectionsEdmund D. Pellegrino (bio)AbstractBioethics was officially baptized in 1972, but its birth took place a decade or so before that date. Since its birth, what is known today as bioethics has undergone a complex conceptual metamorphosis. This essay loosely divides that metamorphosis into three stages: an educational, an ethical, and a global stage. In the educational era, bioethics focused on a (...)
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    Morir y matar amando: Amor de don Perlimplín con Belisa en su jardín.Emilio Peral Vega - 2004 - Arbor 177 (699/700):691-702.
    «Morir y matar amando: Amor de don Perlimplín con Belisa en su Jardín» apuesta por una de las obras dramáticas lorquianas no sólo de menor presencia escénica sino también de menor bibliografía secundaria en torno a ella. Y lo hace analizando la intrincada red de influencias -desde la commedia dell'arte italiana, pasando por el teatro breve del Siglo de Oro español, para llegar al simbolismo francés- que convierte a su personaje, Perlimplín, en un ente dramático esencial, capaz de sacudirse (...)
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    Tra ragion di Stato e mercantilismo: il Breve trattato di Antonio Serra nella Napoli del XVII secolo.Pietro Sebastianelli - 2024 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 35 (69):113-134.
    L’articolo intende proporre una lettura del _Breve trattato sulle cause che possono far abbondare li regni d’oro e d’argento_ di Antonio Serra incentrata su una storia delle arti di governo. Ricostruendo il dibattito napoletano sulle cause della crisi monetaria degli inizi del XVII secolo e focalizzando l’attenzione sul problema delle pratiche di governo della moneta, l’obiettivo del saggio è quello di sottrarre il trattato di Serra all’ipoteca di una retrospettiva sulla scienza economica per inquadrarlo all’interno dei problemi politici del proprio (...)
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  23. Glock, Hans-Johann (2017). Impure conceptual Analysis. In: D´Oro, Giuseppina; Overgaard, Soren. The Cambridge Companion to Philosophical Methodology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 77-100.Hans-Johann Glock, Giuseppina D.´Oro & Soren Overgaard (eds.) - 2017
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    (1 other version)Robin George Collingwood.Giuseppina D'Oro & James Connelly - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Reasons and Causes: Causalism and Non-causalism in the Philosophy of Action.Giuseppina D'Oro & Constantine Sandis (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Are the reasons for which we act the causes of our actions? In the nine essays collected here (including a major historical overview by the editors), experts in the field re-evaluate the history and current state of the reasons/causes debate.
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    The Cambridge companion to philosophical methodology.Guiseppina D'Oro & Soren Overgaard (eds.) - 2017 - Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
    The volume provides clear and comprehensive coverage of the main methodological debates and approaches within philosophy. The book gives equal weight to analytical and continental approaches, and pays attention to approaches that are often overlooked.
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  27. Collingwood on re-enactment and the identity of thought.Giuseppina D'Oro - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (1):87-101.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 38.1 (2000) 87-101 [Access article in PDF] Collingwood on Re-Enactment and The Identity of Thought Giuseppina D'oro University of Keele Collingwood's The Idea of History is often discussed in the context of the issue of the reducibility/non-reducibility of explanations in the social sciences to explanations in the natural sciences. In the 1950s and 60s, following the publication of Hempel's influential article, "The Function (...)
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    Philosophical (Re)Construction of Postmodern Identity Through the Teachings of Lacan, Heidegger and Plato.Maroš Buday - 2023 - Filozofia 78 (6):429-443.
  29. Three generations of non-reductivists.Giuseppina D'Oro - 2009 - Etnographic Studies 11:61-75.
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  30. La critica pedagogica di Gino Capponi.Angiolo Gambaro - 1956 - Bari,: Laterza. Edited by Gino Capponi.
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  31. Sulle orme del Lamennais in Italia.Angiolo Gambaro - 1958 - Torino: Deputazione Subalpina di Storia Patria.
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    Fertilization and the cytoskeleton in the mouse.Bernard Maro - 1985 - Bioessays 3 (1):18-21.
    The behaviour and roles of the microtubule network and the microfilaments following fertilization in the mouse oocyte are described. The microtubule network is organized by multiple microtubule organizing centres (MTOCs) and these play a major role in establishing spindle structure and pronuclear movement following fertilization; in contrast to sea urchin and frog eggs, the sperm centriole plays little part in organization of the post‐fertilization spindle. The microfilaments are required for spindle rotation, polar body formation, certain changes in the egg cortex, (...)
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    Problems in Arabic philosophy.Miklós Maróth (ed.) - 2003 - Piliscsaba: Avicenna Institute of Middle Eastern Studies.
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    Zene és ember.János Maróthy - 1980 - Budapest: Zeneműkiadó.
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    Former les enseignants à l’exploitation phonologique d’un texte littéraire.Maro Nikou Patéli - 2020 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
    Cet article a pour objectif d’initier, voire de former, les enseignants à l’exploitation phonologique d’un texte littéraire en classe de Français Langue Étrangère. À travers deux textes de genre littéraire différent, un poème et une nouvelle, nous proposons des moyens pratiques, accompagnés de conseils pédagogiques, qui permettraient aux enseignants d’introduire le texte littéraire dans leur classe de langue. Dans le cadre du présent article, nous nous attachons à travailler la compétence réceptive au moyen du poème de Paul Verlaine et la (...)
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  36. From Anticausalism to Causalism and Back.Giuseppina D'Oro & Constantine Sandis - 2013 - In Giuseppina D'Oro & Constantine Sandis, Reasons and Causes: Causalism and Non-causalism in the Philosophy of Action. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 7-48.
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  37. Two dogmas of contemporary philosophy of action.Giuseppina D'Oro - 2007 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 1 (1):10-24.
    Davidson's seminal essay "Actions, Reasons and Causes" brought about a paradigm shift in the theory of action. Before Davidson the consensus was that the fundamental task of a theory of action was to elucidate the concept of action and event explanation. The debate concerning the nature of action explanation thus took place primarily in the philosophy of history and social science and was focussed on purely methodological issues. After Davidson it has been assumed that the fundamental challenge for the theory (...)
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    The Myth of Collingwood's Historicism.Giuseppina D'oro - 2010 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 53 (6):627-641.
    This paper seeks to clarify the precise sense in which Collingwood's “metaphysics without ontology” is a descriptive metaphysics. It locates Collingwood's metaphysics against the background of Strawson's distinction between descriptive and revisionary metaphysics and then defends it against the claim that Collingwood reduced metaphysics to a form of cultural anthropology. Collingwood's metaphysics is descriptive not because it is some sort of historicised psychology that describes temporally parochial and historically shifting assumptions, but because it is a high level form of conceptual (...)
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  39. Reasons and Causes: The Philosophical Battle and The Meta-philosophical War.Giuseppina D'Oro - 2012 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 90 (2):207 - 221.
    ?Are the reasons for acting also the causes of action?? When this question was asked in the early 1960s it received by and large a negative reply: ?No, reasons are not causes?. Yet, when the same question ?Are the reasons for acting the causes of action?? is posed some twenty years later, the predominant answer is ?Yes, reasons are causes?. How could one and the same question receive such diverging answers in the space of only a couple of decades? This (...)
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    Collingwood and the Metaphysics of Experience.Giuseppina D'Oro - 2002 - New York: Routledge.
    Giuseppina D'Oro explores Collingwood's work in epistemology and metaphysics, uncovering his importance beyond his better known work in philosophy of history and aesthetics. This major contribution to our understanding of one of the most important figures in history of philosophy will be essential reading for scholars of Collingwood and all students of metaphysics and the history of philosophy.
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  41. The touch of King Midas: Collingwood on why actions are not events.Giuseppina D’Oro - 2018 - Philosophical Explorations 21 (1):160-169.
    It is the ambition of natural science to provide complete explanations of reality. Collingwood argues that science can only explain events, not actions. The latter is the distinctive subject matter of history and can be described as actions only if they are explained historically. This paper explains Collingwood’s claim that the distinctive subject matter of history is actions and why the attempt to capture this subject matter through the method of science inevitably ends in failure because science explains events, not (...)
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  42. (1 other version)Beauties Of Nature And Beauties Of Art: On Kant And Hegel's Aesthetics.G. D'oro - 1996 - Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 33:70-86.
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    Collingwood’s Critique of Scissors-and-Paste History Revisited in the Light of his Conception of Metaphysics.Giuseppina D’Oro - 2000 - International Studies in Philosophy 32 (4):23-45.
  44. Does minimalist a prioricity rest on a mistake?Giuseppina D’Oro - manuscript
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    Why Epistemic Pluralism Does not Entail Relativism: Collingwood’s Hinge Epistemology.Giuseppina D’Oro - 2018 - In Karim Dharamsi, Giuseppina D'Oro & Stephen Leach, Collingwood on Philosophical Methodology. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 151-175.
    D’Oro asks whether Collingwood’s metaphysics of absolute presuppositions leads to the belief-system relativism that is the target of Boghossian’s sustained criticism in his Fear of Knowledge. She argues that Collingwood’s metaphysics of absolute presuppositions aims to defend a form of epistemic pluralism which is not reducible to the kind of epistemic relativism Boghossian critiques. The decoupling of epistemic pluralism from epistemic relativism rests on a reading of absolute presuppositions as epistemic “hinges” which give rise to the characteristic complexes of questions (...)
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  46. El Franciscanismo hispano de la Edad Media.J. Garcia Oro - 1987 - Verdad y Vida 45 (178-179):207-250.
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    (1 other version)Approach and follow behaviour – possible indicators of the human–horse relationship.Katalin Maros, Barbara Boross & Enikő Kubinyi - 2010 - Interaction Studies 11 (3):410-427.
    The aim of our study was to analyze the behavioural responses of horses to familiar humans and to find factors that may affect these responses in three tests: approach to, standing beside, and following the familiar person. We investigated the impacts of horse-related factors and human-related factors. Horses with one handler needed less time to approach the human than horses with more handlers. Standing beside the human correlated positively with following. Following was mainly affected by training. According to our results, (...)
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  48. The Beatles a Sovietsky zväz. Zapríčinili liverpoolska štvorica pád komunistického impéria.Maroš Melichárek - forthcoming - História.
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    Eventos que generan estrés en la infancia: diferencias por sexo y edad.Laura B. Oros & Gisela K. Vogel - 2005 - Enfoques 17 (1):85-101.
    The purpose of this work is to get to know which are the most frequent factors of stress in the childhood and, considering that the perception of the threat is intermediate by the characteristics of each subject, establish if there is any connection between those events taken as threatening and t..
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    Prosecutorial and Police Disclosure Ethics in Criminal Evidence Review in the UK and the US. A Comparative Account.Maro Polykarpou - 2022 - Criminal Justice Ethics 41 (1):45-61.
    This article offers a comparative analysis of the phenomenon of pre-trial non-disclosure of criminal evidence, as exhibited by police and prosecution authorities in the US and English legal systems...
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